Position: Editor-in-Chief
I assumed the position of EIC during a tense social/political climate (the 2016 election year). Taking into consideration the climate we found ourselves in, especially minorities, I changed up the INK split double cover formula to create a special edition. This edition celebrated intersectional creatives - every featured artist was either a person of color or a part of the LGBTQ+ community. I put together this special edition with my staff in an effort to combat the hateful rhetoric of the time by celebrating minorities and their fight against oppression.   
In addition to overseeing all production - 
I reached out to local illustrators to create a cover representative of our message and the people we were celebrating. I also wrote an article on Latinx disparity and the local fight against it by VCU Latinx students (pgs 6-11). 
'DRY HEAT' Editorial - Finalist, 2017 'Magazine Design of the Year', Associated Collegiate Press           Pacemaker Awards.
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